The wireless security alert system is a wireless alarm system that is able to keep your spacious house safe without complicated installation.  When home-based alarms were first made, wireless technology had not yet been invented.  This means that everything is connected to cables or wires. 

Thus, long cables are everywhere that goes along the walls of your home, to your device, and also to your home phone system.  These cables can last several years until a replacement is needed.  If you don’t make these cables in an orderly manner, the walls will look messy with your alarm system cables spilling out everywhere unevenly. 

Hence, usually the cables attract mice where they like to bite and chew on it.  This situation can be dangerous as the cables are often vulnerable to electrical short circuits when they are broken into sections.

The Function of Wireless Security Alert System

Then came the wireless alarm technology that slowly decreased the market of wired alarm systems.  As the use of wireless systems for security purposes have increased, security providers have added more security tools to their products.  For instance, a home-based wireless security alert system demands have increased in today’s society.

In other words, as the world takes wireless to the next level, the home-based security provider proposes wireless security systems that are multi-functional and economical.  Hence, the main function of the wireless security alert system is to warn you when visitors are at your front door.  Basically, it rings and notifies you when someone is there or even when there’s a deer or any other animals around.  Most of the time it notifies you of any movements in your surroundings. 

Advantages of Wireless Alert Alarms Compared to Regular Alarms

Generally speaking, the advantages of wireless alarms are easy to install, affordable and less messier.  These advantages make wireless alarms the first choice for many homeowners today.  Several of its other advantages include:

  1. Easy and Affordable Installation— One of the advantages of wireless alarm systems is that they do not require installing expensive cables and damaging the walls of your home.  Wired home alarms require electrical installation which include destruction of parts of the wall.  Expensive contractor services to drill walls, change pipelines, etc. may be needed to install home alarms with wires.  A wireless alarm system only requires standard equipment, a few screws, and it’s definitely not a long process.
  • Using Battery Power— Another advantage of wireless alarm systems is that it is specifically designed to function with battery power so that it offers a built-in battery power system that is more powerful and reliable.  Usually you are asked to check the battery regularly, so that your system will continue to work.  The advantage of using batteries also means that if a burglar turns off your power line, your alarm system is still on.
  • Longer Distance— The best wireless alarm system can easily be used up to hundreds of meters, for example, 400 meters.  This makes it easier to secure a property that is located distance away from the main house, such as the garage.  If you have a spacious home, several cable systems can be linked together to create a comprehensive home security system throughout your property.
  • Cellular Network— One advantage of wireless alarm systems is that they can send alerts via signals to your smartphones.  That means that even if your electricity is turned off or your phone line is cut off, the alarm system is still connected to the alarm company, the local police, and certain people you can register in the system.
  • Cheap and Affordable Prices— Because wireless alarms do not require wiring or installation, the advantage of the wireless security alert system is that they are cheap and affordable for small homeowners.  Wireless systems are also portable so you can move them to a new home easily.
  • Connect with other Smart Home Technologies— Technology built into several wireless alarm systems allows you not only to connect to a CCTV camera and receive notifications of events in your home, but also you can control your smart home system through a computer or a smartphone.  Thus, smart home technologies include automatic lights, electromagnetic door locks, and room temperature controllers, which are very useful for keeping your home safe when you go out of town.
  • Easy Maintenance and Repair— Your alarm manufacturer company can generally easily identify your wireless alarm problems remotely.  This means that you can contact technical services and they can repair the alarm system through a phone call.  Hence, the advantages of wireless alarm systems may not require the visit of a technician which only adds to the cost.  Most of them run their own programs automatically and proactively notify you of any warning signs of problems that may occur.
  • Easy to Upgrade— The next advantage of the wireless security alert system is that it is easy to upgrade devices with a better technology.  Because every component of your alarm system is wireless, it will be easier to replace certain parts and upgrade to the latest model.  You can also buy additional sensors or devices with new features such as video monitoring after you have installed an alarm system.  You can’t do all that easily when using a regular wired alarm.

Top Features

The wireless security alert system comes with so many additional features that would definitely protect your home and to keep it safe.  Some of the best features you may consider have for your home alert wireless security includes:

  • Mobile Control— Primarily, a wireless security alert system can be checked  or controlled by installing an app on your smartphones.  You will be able to see a live footage from your security camera when you’re not at home or even see who’s coming from your camera doorbell.
  • Automatic Home Connectivity— Products from Ring, August or Nest created automatic connectivity routines on your wireless security alert system you can do while you’re out.  These include turning off your lights, changing your thermostat temperatures or even checking if your security system is working properly.
  • Professional Monitoring— A 24/7 professional monitoring services will be included in most security providers.  This is a service to monitor every movement at your very own home.  It also detects any danger and you will be notified automatically. 
  • Sensors— Door and window sensors are also provided which you can find under the control panel section.  For instance, you will get instant notification when someone enters your house.  There’s also a glass break sensor to notify you when a glass is broken.
  • Installation— Any wireless security alert system is an easy DIY installation.  You can connect to the system at your own pace with an easy video and provider’s manual guide. 
  • Additional Fees— There will be additional fees for specific additional plans and features for your wireless home security system.  Some additional plans include cloud storage and prolonged video recording that will cost you a monthly or annual fee.
  • Upfront Costs— This usually will cost you a lot for an upfront cost system.  However, from this cost you will get activation and monitoring fees, equipment, and a control panel section only if your wireless home-based security system is not based on a contract.  Customers claimed they paid the amount between $500 to $2,000 to start their home-based wireless security alert system

5 of the Best Home-Based Wireless Security Alert System

To help you get started, in case you never have your home secured, these are 5 of the best home wireless security alert system in 2019:

1. ADT Home Security— Rated for the most experienced in the industry, the ADT Home Security system offers a highly competitive certification in:

  • Protection against intrusion
  • Environmental scanning
  • Video monitoring
  • Home automation

2. Frontpoint Security— Well-known for their good reviews in customer service, the Frontpoint home security offers a DIY installation process and monthly contracts.  They also offer the best monitoring services and security equipment for your very own wireless security system. 

3. Vivint SmartHome Security— One of the best smart homes wireless security alert systems, the Vivint SmartHome Security offers flexible options in your security equipment and payment plans.  The company also provide features such as:

  • Mobile app installation
  • Home automation
  • Professional monitoring 24/7
  • Best security equipment

4. SimpliSafe Security— Rated best for their easy installation process, the SimpliSafe security is claimed to have the most care on their customer services, mostly on:

  • Low cost professional monitoring
  • Monthly plans
  • DIY installation
  • Mobile control monitoring

5. Abode Security— An expert at self-monitoring, the Abode security system offers two self-monitoring services (self-installation and security self-monitoring) as well as a good home automation system.  Thus, a short-term for professional monitoring services is available on your request.

Wireless Security Alert System

So, nowadays, it is one of the most important demands in most people’s home security.  The wireless security alert system for your home has been shown to guarantee home safety for homeowners.  Not only do they provide protection for your house and family, it’s also better than the regular wired security system, since they are safer and more practical.