Do you need a recommendation for home security for apartments? Well, office buildings and apartments require a security system with card access. The card access system is a security system in the form of a card that is used by residents and guests to access the apartment. Besides residents cannot enter the apartment without having a card.

The door locking system with card access is equipped with emergency safety. In the event of a fire, for example, the door will automatically open after a signal from the fire alarm system.

Security system with card access – The Best home security for apartments

You can also improve the security system in your own apartment unit. One way is to replace the apartment key, to reduce the risk of unwanted people entering your unit. Many owners say they have changed the keys, but sometimes the apartment management only replaces the keys with apartment keys in other units, and so on.

When you move to the apartment, you don’t know how many previous tenants still hold the key to the unit. Ask the apartment owner to replace the key with a new one, not with a key that was used before. Key is the first shield your home security for apartments has.

CCTV has an important role to check the situation around the apartment. CCTV has been widely used in many places, not least in the apartment. The goal, if a crime occurs, CCTV can prove it through the recording in it. Perpetrators of crime can be more easily identified with the help of CCTV. The use of CCTV is no doubt the most important part of home security for apartments.

Sometimes people do not realize the existence of CCTV because of its very small size. CCTV is placed in an area that is visited by many people and quiet places. The elevator, lobby, hallway, courtyard, and apartment basement are usually equipped with CCTV and other home security for apartment devices.

CCTV is considered effective in helping security personnel work. The aim is to take precautionary measures if anything suspicious occurs. Even so, the security system with CCTV cannot eradicate crime completely. The footage on the CCTV can be evidence of a crime committed to helping uncover the crime.

24-Hour Security Personnel To Increase Home security for apartments

One of the security systems that must be in the apartment is the officer who maintains 24-hour security. Security officers make the residents feel safe and comfortable. Security guards who work well allow residents to live in apartments without fear of crime or other unwanted things. Officers can also ensure the security of your unit when you have to go away for a long time.

The division of tasks of security personnel in the apartment varies. Some personnel is assigned to guard the main entrance of the apartment, some are assigned to guard the apartment door, lobby, and each floor of the apartment.

To assist the work of security personnel, surveillance cameras or CCTV for home security for apartments are usually used. This is intended as a preventive measure if something suspicious happens.

The security guard who works in the apartment checks the person who enters the apartment. It depends on the floor area and height of the building, but there are usually 25 security guards on duty to ensure the home security for apartments.

However, if you want to know the ideal security personnel arrangement for home security for apartments, here it is. The division of tasks is divided into 5 posts, each guarded by 5 people. Existing posts are entrance post, exit post, item door post, main lobby, and television or CCTV surveillance room. The rest of the personnel are on duty traveling inside and outside the apartment building.

Car Recognition System

Some high-end apartments now have a car identification system. So, if there is a foreign car that is not recognized as the owner’s car, then the car will be marked as a guest. If there is a crime, then the car “guests” can also be used as a search target. Although not necessarily the guest is a criminal, at least this can reduce the actual space for the perpetrator. This is kind of the latest home security for apartments available by now.

This car identification system emerged since the circulation of various crime incidents acting to bring their own cars. Usually, the perpetrators who bring the car intending to commit theft or kidnapping, which is why home security for apartments is very important.

Smartphone Security System

The latest security system which is only implemented in several apartments in various countries is an integrated smartphone security system. By using a smartphone, an apartment dweller can monitor the CCTV in his apartment. In addition, smartphones can also be used to turn on and off various electronic devices in the apartment. Yes, by using this the home security for apartments will be easy to check.

And last but not least, a smartphone can be used to sound an alarm when a crime occurs and is known by the owner of the apartment, either through CCTV or experienced by residents in the apartment. That way, security can act quickly.

Security Tips When You Leave The Apartment For A Really Long Time

Do you plan to travel in the near future? You may have already started packing things to bring, ordering hotel rooms at your destination, and arranging activities to be carried out there. But there could be one thing that is forgotten, namely the security of your apartment. Here are some safety tips to ensure your home security for apartments

Check all door and window locks a few weeks before traveling

Is the front door lock a little loose? Or the window can’t close properly? Record this damage a few weeks before you travel so you can ask the apartment management to repair it. If the damage has been repaired, this will help secure your apartment from the risk of theft who can breach the home security for apartments.

It’s clear, make sure to lock every access in the apartment. Even if you usually lock the main door when you go to the office, you might still leave the window unlocked. Before traveling far, surround the apartment and lock each window and door.

Make sure the battery in the smoke alarm is still functioning

If you haven’t checked the battery on the fire alarm on your unit regularly, now is the right time to do it. Checking for smoke alarms before traveling is important. Test the battery to make sure it works well a few days before you leave.

Do not forget about your Pet Safety

If you have a pet, you need to make sure there are trusted friends or neighbors to look after when you are not in the apartment for several days. Make sure the person you are entrusted has the vet’s contact details and your contact number.

Install the timer

Not many people realize this trick to enhance home security for apartments. Timers are the right way to make you feel like you are in an apartment. In addition, the price is also quite affordable. All you have to do is set the timer on the electrical contacts, set the time for the power to turn off and turn on, then plug it in the TV or radio.

Tell your manager about the management of your apartment

Nothing wrong with letting the apartment management know that you will leave the apartment for a few days. If they know you are not there, they can more proactively monitor the environment around your apartment. Yes, nothing better than reporting to the responsible party.

Another thing management can do to maintain the security of the apartment when you leave is to receive packages or shipments of goods that come for you.

Ask a friend you trust to monitor the apartment

If you are close enough with a few neighbors, they will be happy to join you in guarding your residence when you leave. This will be very helpful in emergencies, for example, if there is a fire in the apartment.

Make sure the neighbors you trust know when you go and how to contact you. Let them know that you will be happy to do the same when they leave the apartment.

Be careful of what you share on social media for the security of your apartment

When in a place, people tend to take pictures and publish them on social media to share with friends. But this indicates that you are not in the apartment and invite people who are not responsible.

So as much as possible avoid posting photos or updating status like “being at the airport.”

You can still freely share photos when out of town or go somewhere, but wait until you get back to the apartment. It will be safer if all of your social media accounts are private to minimize the risk of crime.

Hide valuable things in a safe deposit box

While in the apartment, cash, jewelry, or valuables may not be in place. For the sake of apartment security, when going out, you should store your valuables in a safe place. If it turns out there is a burglar who broke into the apartment, at least you do not lose all the valuables that you have. It may not be a high technology trick, but this trick cannot be left undone for your home security for apartments.