Dewalt produces several air compressors with various design and specs. For portable and lightweight product, you must choose Dewalt cordless air compressor. People think compressor is heavy-duty device where you must carry with roller. That’s device for heavy task and construction project. On the other side, some works are small even at home. You shave pneumatic tool such as nail gun but cannot bring big compressor around due to less effective. In this situation, you choose cordless one with weight 21 lbs.
Cordless means there is no wire to plug into electrical socket or anything. Question is how this device work and where power source will come. The answer for them will be in the following section.
Features and Specifications
Dewalt cordless air compressor looks like the gas tank you use for barbeque. That is from appearance due to very small compare to standard compressor. On the other side, Dewalt also has portable compressors with tank capacity is 30 gallons. That’s big enough for handle job in the remote area. However, the portability model is less mobility.
Cordless compressor is designed for hand carry. Specs and features focus on simplicity and less issue when you bring anywhere. More features including capability will be explored in the following list.
- Cordless technology
This device relies on cordless technology buts still reliable for basic compressor function. Manufacturer uses battery as power sources. That’s you do not need to worry when bring this compressor in place where socket is not available. You can move around and cordless makes everything easier.
- Lightweight portable tank
The tank capacity is approximately 2.5 gallon and overall weight is 21 lbs. From appearance, you must admit that the tank is very small but practical. The weight ensures you can bring anywhere. This device comes in handy for simple works in right area. Some pneumatic tool only requires low-pressure level. If you use the big compressor, adjusting is quite issue. On the contrary, small compressor will fit and adapt with the tool easily.
- Peak horsepower
The compressor has peak horsepower up to 0.4 but can get lower or higher. In general, the power is dynamic due to compressing may be vary depending on the pressurized air you want. That number is from official source. You can expect more or less but does not much change.
- Nail charge
Dewalt cordless air compressor is suitable for nail gun.You turn this device on and plug into nail gun. You can use the gun for several tasks simultaneously. The maximum nail is about 1,200 I one charge. You wait until the next charge is done and start again after charge is full.
- Oil free pump type
Two types of air compressors you can get are oil and non-oil. Each has pros and cons depending on what you need the most. For portable one, the oil is unnecessary. This device can work without oil but has certain cooling system to keep temperature and heat under control. You do not want have heat around your work due to exhaustion.
- Maximum pressure
Dewalt cordless air compressor has maximum pressure up to 135 PSI.Dewalt cordless air compressor is designed for low and medium pressure level. With that capability, you can work with most of pneumatic tools. The pressure can be lower if you adjust the level in the control.
- Pressure control and regulator
This device has pressure control and regulator in one place. You do not need complex adjustment for portable compressor. Everything is done with regulator and control. After device is ready, you choose level and check pressure then plug into the tool. That’s how you operate this air compressor from Dewalt.
- Low noise level
Using air compressor has common issue, which is noise. You do not need to worry about such thing. This model has low noise level. You can keep as low as possible if you have something to cover. In general, Dewalt considers noise pollution before producing this device. Due to mobility and portability, the noise has to be as low as possible.
- Hand carry
Due to small size, Dewalt cordless air compressor is something you can carry by hand. You do not need any accessories for carrying the compressor. It has handle at the top and you carry it like having bag. This is main feature that other do not have.
Maintenance and Warranty
Next section will explore about maintenance and warranty. Both are important things to know when you have Dewalt cordless air compressor. The portable device has pros and cons regarding maintenance. You can clean the tank easily and get rid of dirt directly. You also keep handler and entire parts in the good condition. This is basic step for maintenance.
One thing you cannot forget is to check leak and airflow. Big compressor will be easy to inspect if there is leak. You can see from regulator and pressure control. If there is significant reducing, the tank or any part must not be in the good shape.
For this device, you check slowly and see from the pressure out when delivering into pneumatic tool directly. Repairing is necessary for keeping the compressor in normal state. Due to lack of oil, you must control the heat manually. If the device has high temperature, turn off and wait until engine is cooling off directly. This device uses battery, which means you check regularly and find alternative to prolong the power source.
How Does Air Compressor Work
From previous section, you know specs and features on Dewalt cordless air compressor. Moreover, customers or buyers must understand product before buying from dealer or seller. After that, they learn maintenance and warranty including repairing. That’s the basic thing as preliminary step before having this device in you station or workshop.
One thing you cannot forget is how does this compressor work. In general, you can see the simplest version of air compressor is from manual pump to fill gas inside your tires. The tube contains gas then you press from top until the volume is very low. The gas has high pressure when you hold in both pressing side and another pipe for output. You plug the pump into tires then release the pressured air directly into inside the tires. Therefore, the tube is no longer in the high pressing level. You expand the tub volume and let the air to be in there before pressing again to get the same pressurized air.
Now, the tub is bigger and the pressing relies on automatic engine with power sources from gas or electricity. The basic process is still similar but the result is different. When you switch on the air compressor, the tank will manage to create the high-level pressurized air that will hold until you release through mechanical valve for releasing the air directly through the pipe. You will see pressure level in the control that is available at the top of the tank. You adjust the level then release immediately. From this point, you know how the air compressor works.
On the other side, the mechanism inside the tank is quite complex. Several technologies have been implemented to ensure the tank can reach certain pressing level. You get low-level compressor if pressure is below 100 PSI. Medium level is compressor with pressure between 150 and 1000 PSI. The biggest one will be more than 1000 PSI. You use the top compressor with expensive price if need big pressure. Of course, only few devices and tools rely on heavy-duty compressor. The medium one is for mid-level project and home industry. This information is related to Dewalt cordless air compressor.
More about Air Compressor
Before buying Dewalt cordless air compressor, few things are important to consider. Even though price is affordable, you must know why you need this device. Firstly, you have works that not much in big site. Some jobs are in residential area and indoor where you only use nail gun and other pneumatic tool. Instead of standard compressor, this one is the best option.
Some jobs in the construction site are minor ones. To maintain utility and efficiency, you must have the most portable air compressor. This is reason for buying this device. Small maintenance and redecorating do not need heavy-duty tools. Therefore, you only bring nail gun and this compressor anywhere you go.
The last part is you do not have enough money for the big one but this device can deliver suitable pressure. It is not about size you must consider but how the device can fulfil your need. If small one is enough for your task, there is no need for the big one. As long as you do proper maintenance, Dewalt cordless air compressorwill last longer even years to come.

From explanation above, you know what this device can do. Air compressor with cordless mode is the most portable one you can have with high mobility. The weight is very light that you can carry without any support. Moreover, Dewalt cordless air compressor also receives warranty from official manufacturer.